Friday, August 14, 2009

Life Lately...~08.14.09

I guess I'll take a break from my cell phone wallpaper browsing and update my blog! Yay!!!

My friend is really starting to make me really angry because I'm trying to buy Britney Spears tickets, and I need to ask him questions...but he NEVER answers his phone!!! Why do you have a phone if you're never going to answer it? I mean, if he was in the middle of something, it would be much appreciated if he could just text me a reason for why he can't answer the phone or just simply pick up one of the fifty calls and tell me really quick the reason for why he can't talk or something...geez. It's ridiculous. I've been calling for HOURS...literally. GRRR!!! If he likes to ignore my calls, then he might as well just not go with me because this is seriously RIDICULOUS. Hmph!


Well...I'm home now and my friend STILL has not answered a single call or called me back. Wow...that seriously pisses me off. <_<

Back to happy things...I had hazelnut iced coffee last night! So good!!! I want some right now. T_T


Also, we've been pretty slow at work lately...and this is what goes on at XD



Here's an attempt at cooking that I made the other day...

Pepper Steak and Tomato

Noodles with Beef and Scallions

Last but not least, I'll share some of the cell phone wallpapers I found!!! I wish I could use ALL of them! SOOOOOOOO CUTE! ^^








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My future boyfriend and I are gonna use these XD

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2NE1...I love CL. ^_^

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I LOVE KEY!!!!!!!!!!...

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...and Taemin!!!

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Last but NEVER least...HEECHUL!!! I love him...

Here's a picture for everyone...I had a lot of fun eating fortune cookies at work the other day, and I really liked this fortune. Fortune cookies make me happy. ^_^


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