Friday, September 25, 2009

Busy Busy Busy~09.25.09

Wow! I haven't updated my blog in FOREVER!!! Britney was AMAZING by the way. ^^

A lot has been happening. Two people that were previously mentioned in my blog actually apologized for being jerks. It was really unexpected. I'm still a bit speechless about it. The hilarious thing is that they apologize and then continue acting the same way. -_- So why did they even bother apologizing in the first place?

Life has been pretty repetitive. School, work, home, occasional football game, etc. Our first marching band competition is a week from tomorrow!!! Time is going to fly. I'm pretty nervous about it too. =X

Also, I have an audition tomorrow for a singing competition called Rip the Hallways. I'm not sure if I'll make it to the next round, but I figured it's worth a try.

Side note: MY SENIOR PROJECT TOPIC GOT APPROVED!!! YAY!!! THIS MEANS I CAN DO MY CONCERT AND EVERYTHING! <(^_^<) <(^_^)> (>^_^)> I've decided to hold the benefit concert for the Make a Wish Foundation. ^^v

Anyways...time for bed! I have to wake up early tomorrow for the audition. >.< Wish me luck! I'll try to update my blog a little more and post up the pics from Britney's awesome concert and other daily random moments of my life. =P

♫ I Will Be Your Friend - Coco Lee

1 comment:

    Do post soon ;D haha
    Your friends probably act the same way even though they felt sorry cause they're still embarrassed/ashamed?
    I think as long as you act the same things will return to how they used to be...hopefully! :D
    Good luck for your audition btw! :D
