Saturday, August 15, 2009

Say what?! The Abercrombie & Fitch is now an outlet?! O__O~08.15.09

My sister and I went to Wilmington today. ^_^ I didn't really want to buy anything...but..............^^;

We shopped around the mall for a couple hours. It was fun! We also met up with a couple of her friends that happened to be in Wilmington too. We ended up hearing some very entertaining and interesting stories. LMAO! XD

I ended up buying...:

-2 pairs of glasses
-2 tank tops from Forever21
-2 pairs of shorts from A&F (which is now an outlet!!! ^_^v)
-1 skirt from A&F
-1 top from A&F
-Teriyaki Chicken XD
-1 hoodie from VS
-2 liquid glitter eyeliners from VS

I haven't shopped in a while...and I couldn't resist the sale at A&F. ^^;

Oh yeah! I had more hazelnut iced tea today...YUMMY!!!!!!!! =D

Pictures! :) I camwhored a bit in the A&F fitting room, but here's only a couple from my camwhoring session. XD

Someone walked in on me when I was taking these because I forgot to lock the door XD

The infamous "cover your mouth and laugh" pose that nearly all Asian girls do =P

Me and My Hazelnut Iced Coffee ^_^


  1. Haha i can totally see you not locking the door and having someone walk in on you =). I've looked through ur whole blog and i think its all pretty cool! There's a lot of pics of international/foreign superstars that i dont know, but its all really awesome! It makes me feel like ur telling me all this while wer'e hanging out at Starbucks lol

    Love, ur dad!
